Thursday, April 24, 2025 8:00 AM - Friday, April 25, 2025 5:00 PM
This 2-day certification workshop will provide the fundamental skills of transit management for new transit managers and experienced managers with the refresher they need to take a step back and review their overall program. The workshop has six modules which cover Human Resource Management; Financial Management; Operations and Service Design; Vehicle and Facilities Management; Title VI, Civil Rights, & ADA; and Customer Service. The workshop uses interactive techniques for involving all participants in the course, including scenarios, paired and large group discussions, Q and A for each module, and handout resources. There will be significant time allowed throughout for discussion of specific situations related to individual agency circumstances. A certification test is given at the end of the course. Participants must score 85% or better to receive their certification.
Additional Info
This event is offered at no cost.
Citibus Administrative Offices 801 Texas Avenue Lubbock,
TX79401United States